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It is a thriving community that has its' own Wikipedia website so I will only dwell on the pubs.

The Fountain is a Pub with both Hotel and Lodge accommodation attached. It is a family run freehouse, normally with 3 good beers on draught. There is a restaurant offering good food and booking is recommended for Sunday lunch. Nice little beer garden to the side, with a gate to the woods, a nearby very shallow stream is the beginning of the river Lydd.  Lots of mud for everyone.

Of interest is the inside where the owners have decorated with an amazing number of archaic tools, instruments and implements. Full details can be found at the Fountain's web page Fountain Inn

The Woodman Inn is also located in Parkend on the other side of the recreation ground. The Woodman also offers accommodation. The Woodman offers 3 draught ales and the food is superb. Booking is a must. There is a nice garden to the rear of the pub and lots of parking. More details are available at The Woodman Inn.

Two other things to mention are the Parkend car boot sales and carnival.  

The boot sales normally run fortnightly from the end of March onwards.  Very popular with both buyer and sellers see the local press (Normally the Review) for details.

The carnival is also extremely popular and it is often easier to park in Pillowell or Whitecroft and walk in.  Held on August Bank Holiday every year.

Nearby to Parkend is the RSPB nature reserve, Nagshead Nature reserve, Nagshead

Parkend was originally named Park End, it being at the end of Whitemead Park. Whitemead Park is now a holiday centre at Whitemead