List of Officers
Names A to D
- Name and Rank -- Date Joined and Rank -- History
Abercromby, Samuel Douglas, Lieut. -- 3rd June 1842 Ensign -- Died Bermuda 16/5/1847
Ainslie, Motague, Ensign -- 20th May 1853 -- Died Gosport 18/10/1853
Aitken, Alexander Paymaster -- 20th May 1853 -- Died Brighton 13/5/1871
Aitken, Walker Capt -- 3rd December 1861 Ensign -- Capt. 6/3/1874
Alexander, Sir James Edward, Major-General -- 9th March 1832, Captain -- Half-pay 4/4/1838
Allan, Fife, Ensign -- 23rd September 1855 -- Retired 12/12/1856
Baird, William, Bt.-Major -- 17th November 1854 Ensign -- Capt 22/5/1857 Bt. Major 5/7/1872 Died Sierra Leone 6/3/1874
Balfour, James William, Captain -- 17th November 1854 Ensign -- On Reduction to 89th, Lieut. Retired from 7th Dragoon Guards 16th June 1857
Balguy, Charles Yelverton -- 24th February 1854 Captain from 41st -- Retired 24/4/1855
Barnett, John Osborne, Lieut. -- 16th November 1841 Ensign -- Retired 12/12/1847
Bayley, Richard Kerr, Bt. Major -- 16th March 1855 Ensign -- Captain 5/7/1865
Bazalgette, James Arnold -- 24th April 1855 Paymaster -- Half-pay 1869
Beales, William, Lt Col. -- 24th April 1838 Captain -- Half-pay 30/8/1844 Died St Heliers, Jersey on retired full pay 23/4/1868
Bedingfield William Henry -- 27th May 1862 Ensign from 58th Regiment -- To 7th Hussars Cornet 22/11/1864
Bennett William Alex, Lieut. -- 27th May 1853 Lieut. From 30th Regiment -- Retired 2/3/1847
Berwick William Alex., Lieut. -- 17th February 1869 Ensign from the 16th Foot -- Lieut.28/10/1871
Bethune Alex.(of Blebo), Lieut. -- 20th May 1842 Ensign -- Retired 2/3/1847
Black, Wilsone, Major -- 11th August 1854 Ensign -- Half-pay on reduction 9/1/1857 to 6th Foot 17/11/1857 Brevet Major 14/4/1873
Blake, Stephen, Paymaster -- 3rd July 1828 Paymaster -- Exchanged to 7th Fusiliers 23/8/1833 Died Paymaster of the 93rd Dublin 1854
Borrowes, Peter Robert -- 2nd September 1845 Lieut. From 13th Foot -- Retired 16/6/1848 Died Dublin 1854
Bosworth, Percie Mackie, Lieut. -- 23rd March 1855 Ensign -- Lieut. 2/10/1855 Died at Nynee, India, 19/6/1858
Boyle, Robert, Captain -- 5th April 1806, Ensign -- Half-pay 31/5/1821 Died in London 11/7/1821
Bramly, Alfred Jennings, Lieut. -- 15th March 1855, Ensign -- Lieut. 2/10/1855 Killed in action Rooyah, India 19/4/1858
Bramly, Henry Jennings, Lieut. -- 30th December 1859 Ensign -- Retired Lieut.3/3/1865 Died Tunbridge Wells 19/2/1870
Brander, James, Major -- 14th December 1809 Ensign -- Half-pay, Lt. Col. 15/8/1826 Died Pitgaveny House Elgin 23/3/1854
Brereton, Robert, Captain -- 8th December 1825, Captain -- Half-pay 9/3/1832 Retired 12/5/1842 Dead (prior to 31/12/1872)
Brickenden, Richard H. Lambert, Lieut. -- 18th July 1865, Ensign -- Lieut.11/1/1867
Brooke, Henry, Ensign -- 5th August 1859 Retired 9/12/1862
Brophy, N. Winsland, Lieut. -- 30th January 1866, Ensign from 6th Regiment -- Lieut. 17th March 1869
Cameron, Alexander, Lt. Col. -- 24th February 1832, Ensign -- Died Lt Col commanding at Bareilly, India 9/8/1858
Cameron Duncan (of Inverailort), Lieut. -- 23rd October 1835, Ensign -- Retired 8/5/1840 Died 24/6/1874
Cameron, Sir Duncan Alexander, Lt Col. -- 8th April 1825 Ensign -- In the Regiment until promoted to Major General in 1855 Colonel of the Regiment 9/9/1863
Cameron, William Gordon, C.B., Colonel -- 24th May 1844, Ensign -- To Grenadier Guards, Lieut. 12/5/1847 4th Foot, Major, 23/10/1857 Lt Col 1/4/1873
Campbell, Archibald (of Glendaruel), Captain. -- 26th November 1825, Ensign -- Retired Captain 6/3/1840
Campbell, Archibald Colin (Renton), Brevet-Major -- 24th February 1837, Ensign -- Retired Captain and Brevet-Major 7/9/1855. Died at Mordington House, Berwickshire 23/11/1866
Campbell, Colin (Southhall family), Lieut. -- 8th April 1826, Ensign -- Retired Lieut. 27/9/1839. Died at Auchan, Isle of Man, 10/10/1859.
Campbell, Colin George (of Stonefield), Lieut. -- 31st December 1829, Ensign -- Retired Lieut. 24/4/1838
Campbell, Edward Parker, Lieut. -- 17th January 1872Campbell Farquhard (of Aros), Captain -- 30th November 1838, Ensign -- Retired Captain 26/10/1849
Campbell, G.F., Lieut. -- 11th January 1867, Ensign -- Lieut.25/3/1871, to 51st Regiment 31/10/1871
Campbell, John, Colonel -- 3rd December 1807, Captain from 35th -- Half-pay Major and Brevet Lt Col 22/4/1826. Died Marseilles 31/3/1841
Campbell, John Charles, M.B. -- 29th March 1861, Assistant-Surgeon, from 4th Hussars -- Half-pay 2/7/1861
Campbell, John Gordon, Captain -- 17th November 1848, Ensign -- Retired 9/5/1856 Died Peebles 30/11/1865
Campbell, Patrick, Captain -- 24th August 1815, Ensign -- Half-pay 3/9/1829 Died at Ford near Dalkeith 24/2/1856
Ceely, Arthur James, Lieut. -- 10th August 1855, Ensign -- Lieut. 20th June 1858 Died at Point de Galle, Ceylon, sick from India, 29/12/1866
Chawner, Edward Hoare, Captain -- 9th June 1825, Ensign -- Exchanged to 4th Dragoon Guards, Lieut. Half-pay, Captain, 7/9/1832. Died 23/11/1868
Childers, William, Captain -- 8th June 1826, Captain -- Retired 14/9/1832. Died St Heliers, Jersey, 28/2/1861
Chisholm, Arch. Macra, Captain. -- 17th April 1842, Ensign -- Retired Captain 6/4/1855
Chisholm, Donald, Captain. -- 10th October 1805, Lieut. from 30th -- To 45th Veteran Battalion Captain, 24/2/1820. Died Portobello, Edinburgh, 21st August 1853.
Christie, James Edmund, Captain -- 10th August 1855, Ensign -- Captain, Half-pay 1/4/1870
Clark, James, Ensign -- 26th August 1819, Ensign -- To Half-pay 2/9/1824 Died 12/12/1838
Clarke, Charles Christopher, Lieut. -- 2nd August 1815, Ensign -- Half-pay 1/11/1827. Died in the 33rd Regiment in Jamaica 23/9/1831
Clavering, Ernest, F.G. Lieut. -- 15th April 1842, Ensign -- Retired. 6/7/1849. Died Edinburgh 9/8/1852
Clutterbuck, James Edward, M.D -- 14th June 1864, Surgeon from staff -- Surgeon-Major, 22/12/1868
Cockburn, George William, Captain. -- 23rd February 1855, Ensign. -- Captain 24/3/1863 Exchanged to 83rd, 28/1/1870. Retired 30/11/1870
Cockburn, Thomas Hugh, Lt Col. -- 6th March 1840, Ensign. -- Exchanged Captain to 43rd 28/11/1851 Half-pay Major 29/5/1863. Retired with rank of Lt Col 18/4/1865.
Coleridge, Francis George, Captain. -- 11th January 1856, Ensign. -- Lieut. In 25th 13/12/1859. Retired as Captain 28/6/1869
Colquhoun, Alan John, Lieut. -- 15th October 1861, Ensign, from Cornet 16th Lancers. -- Lieut. 13/11/1865. Retired 23/1/1869.
Cooper, Egbert William, Captain. -- 30th July 1869 from 2nd West India Regiment
Coveny, Robert Charles, Lieut. -- 2nd September 1862, Ensign -- From 23rd Regiment Lieut. 30/1/1866
Cowell, William, Major from H.P., and Brevet Lt Col -- 30th May 1811, Major. -- Retired 8/4/1826 Died at Portarlington, Ireland, 29/5/1847.
Creagh, A. Michael, Lieut. -- 16th April 1861, Ensign from 58th -- Lieut. 3/3/1865
Crompton, William Henry, (Now Crompton-Stansfield), Lt Col. -- 17th August 1854, Ensign -- Half-pay Captain on reduction 7/11/1856 11th Foot 9/1/1858 Lt Col. 22/7/1871.
Crosse, Robert Legh -- 18th June 1861, Ensign -- To 52nd, 3/12/1861
Cumberland, George Bentinck Macleod, Lieut. -- 22nd November 1864, Ensign -- Lieut. 29/12/1866
Cumberland, George Burrel, Major -- 28th May 1829, Lieut. -- Retired Major 5/1/1855 Died at Wolvers Dean, Andover 22/5/1865
Cumming, Alex., Ensign -- 17th July 1814, Ensign -- Half-pay 26/8/1819. Died January 1853.
Cunninghame, Robert Campbell, Captain. -- 29th August 1846, Ensign -- Sent from the Crimea. Died at Malta 5/9/1855.
Cunninghame, William John, Lieut. -- 25th October 1844, Ensign -- Died at Halifax on sick leave from Bermuda 21/6/1850
Daniel, John Hinton -- 22nd May 1846, Captain from 49th. -- Retired 23/7/1852. Died London 8/5/1863.
Davidson, Wm. Alex., M.D., Surgeon. -- 28th March 1854, Assistant Surgeon -- To 1st Royal Dragoons 31/7/1855.
Dawson, Charles, M.D. -- 9th October 1840, Assistant-Surgeon -- To Surgeon into the 54th, 9/10/1846. Died Antigua 13/11/1849.
Dempster, James, M.D., Surgeon. -- 14th April 1825, Assistant Surgeon -- To 94th Surgeon 27/9/1827
Dick, Sir Robert Henry, Major General -- 22nd November 1800, Ensign -- Half-pay Colonel 25/11/1828 Killed in Action Sobraon 10/2/1846
Douglas, Arthur Henry Johnstone -- 27th November 1866, Ensign -- Retired 23/7/1869
Douglas, Charles -- 23rd March 1855, Lt from Canadian Rifles -- Died of Wounds at Rooyah, India 17/4/1858
Douglas, Henry Sholto, Captain -- 31st May 1839, Ensign -- Retired Captain 17/11/1848
Douglas, Sir James, General -- 10th April 1850, Colonel -- Died at Clifton 6/3/1862
Douglas, William, Lieut. -- 1st November 1827, Lieut. -- Retired 20/7/1832 Dead
Drake, John Allat, -- 18th July 1865, Lieut. from Bengal Staff Corps -- Retired 9/11/1866
Drummond, Henry Maurice, Colonel (now Drummond Hay) of Seggieden -- 4th Dec. 1832, Ensign. -- Retired Captain, 8/6/1852 Lt Col, Royal Perth Rifles, 5/11/1855. Retired with the rank of Colonel, 21/11/1870
Drummond, Malcolm, (Viscount Forth), -- 4th November 1853, Ensign -- Retired 17/11/1854. Died Gloucester 8/10/1861.
Drysdale, John, Brevet Lt Col. -- Joined the Regiment 28th June 1836. -- Ensign from Sergeant Major, 22/6/1847 Major 10/8/1858. Brevet Lt Col on the day he died, 4/7/1865 at Uphall, Nr Edinburgh on sick leave from India.
Duff, William, Lieut. -- Joined the Regiment 16th August 1806 -- Ensign and Adjutant from Sergeant-Major 14/4/1825 To Half-pay 16/7/1829. Died Ayr 8/10/1833
Dunbar, Alex., Lieut. -- 25th July 1807, Ensign -- To Half-pay 3/3/1825. Died at Inverness 15/2/1832.
Dunbar, Sir Frederick Wm., Bart. -- 24th April 1838, Ensign -- Retired 10/1/1840. Died Dec. 1841.
Dunbar, Rothes Lennox, Captain -- 13th May 1854, Ensign -- Retired Captain 7/9/1856. Died in London 31/1/1857.
Dunsmure, Charles, Lt Col -- 9th April 1825, Ensign -- Reduced Lt Col 1/4/1850 with the Reserve Battalion. Retired 8/6/1852.
Dundas, Charles Whitely Dean, Lieut. -- 25th December 1828, Ensign -- To Coldstream Guards 3/8/1830. Retired 21/4/1837. Died 11/4/1856